Comparing themes across texts

Using a visual representation makes comparison of themes across texts much simpler. The image opposite shows an example. It contains a visualisation of the opening sections of the four New Testament gospels.

The keywords shown in colour represent different themes within the traditional nativity stories. Occurrences of the name Herod are shown in red. Occurrences of words relating to the shepherds/stable themes (shepherds, flocks, manger, stable) are shown in green. Occurrences of Bethlehem are shown in black. Words relating to the Magi/wise men (gold, frankincense, myrrh, and wise men) are shown in yellow.

This visualisation shows clearly that the gospels differ significantly in their coverage of the themes. The shepherd/stable theme occurs only in Luke; the Magi/wise men theme occurs only in Matthew. Bethlehem occurs in both Luke and Matthew, but not in Mark or John. Herod occurs in Matthew, Mark and Luke. None of these themes occur in John.

Nativity themes in the four New Testament gospels

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